Todd and the boys admiring the view.
This year we were lucky enough to be invited to a friends "cabin in the woods". It was in Pine top Arizona which is, on the average, 20 degrees cooler than the valley. We left the valley at 107 degrees and three hours later we were in 85 degree heaven. Later that evening it got into the 60's and it was great to be outside again. We were able to enjoy the local fireworks at the high school and had a fun-filled weekend of riding quads, shooting the guns and enjoying the great outdoors. Holly sampled the Glock .40 cal, the 12-gauge shotgun, the .38 caliber handgun, the boys .22 rifle and my 7mm rifle. She proved that girls can shoot and that growing up with 5-brothers does count for something. You'll notice that there are no pictures of Holly shooting. She was heavily armed and willing to fire on me given the chance.
The view of the Indian reserve land, The backyard view all weekend.