Everett's Baptism

Not only was it Valentine's Day, but Everett was also baptised on February 14, 2009. That would have been enough to make the day special, but there was also another reason. In our ward, we have Stake baptisms due to the high volume of children baptised in the Stake. Consequently, Everett's baptism day was shared with (4) of his good friends who are all from our ward. So we had a Saturday filled with baptisms and 8-year-old boys. The (5) boys were able to go through the nerves and excitement along side each other and had a day that they will, hopefully, never forget. Everett was the 4Th to get dunked, so he worked through the nerves before we had the spotlight. On the first dunk, his right foot shot up and out of the water. The second time was a charm and we were able to get all of him under the water. It was a great day!

The 5 boys just before showtime.

Everett and Dad looking sweet in their jumpsuits!

Silly time!

Everett, just after being baptised, Hooray!

The after-party was busy.