The Graduating class of 2010

Some good speeches were presented.
All of the graduates threw up their caps.
The West Side Churches
Holly and Mom
Collin and Everett
The Gomez clan
Holly and Tess
Collin and Everett kidding with Grandpa
Scott and Holly with Mom and Dad

Collin Emery and Everett

Scott and Mom
Scott and Holly with Mom and Dad

Emery's Musical

I was quickly corrected by Emery when I asked him about the 1st grade play. "it's a musical Dad, not a play". It seems that the entire 1st grade learned about insects and each class seperated into their own group of "bugs". Emery and his class were fire flies. It was cute, and fun to watch. No speaking lines this year, but maybe in his future there will be.

Emery and his best friend Joe (fire fly and ant)

Mason Banks doing his best bug impression.

Emery, glad the "musical" is over.

Weavers Needle

Ethan and I went together to his first "hike" as a Boy Scout. His troop of 11-year-old Scouts hiked to a local spot called Fremont Saddle overlooking Weavers Needle (look it up, it's great). The hike was rough terrain and seemed like it was straight up. The views from the base, throughout the hike and at the summit were spectacular. We had an absolute blast and can't wait to do it again. Next time we have both vowed to pack much lighter.

Some of the boys at the base.

View from the base.

Saguaro cactus grow like weeds here. They are at least 100
years old if they have an arm.

Starting off on the hike. Ethan is using my back pack
from when I was 13 years old.

A little red and winded at the first stop.

The group resting in the shade.

Back to the grind.

A look back just before the summit.

We made it! The view made it all worth it.

"On top of the world" or about 4000 feet.

Setting up camp.

Our quarters for the night.

Ethan and Jake, ready for dinner.

And, they ate well!

Saturday morning, the view was even better.

On a clear day, you can see for miles and miles.
Ethan on a rock.

This Saguaro looked like an elephant.
Worn out, the ride back and we all fell asleep.

Jagz Baseball

Jagz, club ball. These boys (and girl) have played together for the past 4 years with the exception of a couple of new additions. It is fun to get together and play the club tournaments. the competition here is fierce and we are always in the mix. Coach Scott Vaughan has done an incredible job with the team this year and we have really made some improvements. We just shut down due to Little League, but look forward to starting up again this summer. Go Jagz!

The Team


Coach Vaughan and team mom.

Getting ready to take the field.

Ethan, ready to play ball at any time.

Ethan as short stop, his home away from home.

Rick and Adolfo

Uncle Rick and Adolfo came to Arizona in February. It was a vacation for them and a great treat for us. We were able to spend time together talking and laughing, and making memories. The boys had such a good time that they didn't want them to leave. I think that we can find a good place for them in the valley!

Rick sporting the laptop.

Adolfo, Rick and the boys at Lake Saguaro.

Adolfo trying Wii.

He really got into it! Look at Emery's face.

We had Chi gio (not sure of spelling) at Scott and Steph's

Rolled "spring rolls" and fried.
Everyone got into the action.

Holly and Rick rolling away.

This is how you have to say Cha gio!

Holly's 1/2 Marathon - London's Run

This past year Holly decided to get into better shape, so she joined the local "Boot Camp" which is in the neighborhood. From that, she met a great group of friends who all decided to run this year's 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) at London's Run in Queen Creek, AZ. The family was full of encouragement and support as Holly has trained for this event for the past 3-months. The boys and I were ecstatic to see her turn the corner to the home-stretch and run to the finish line. All of the boys, impromptu, jumped the roped-off area and finished the race with mom. It was a day we will remember forever. We are so proud of Holly for this accomplishment and hope that we can all run the full race with her in the future. Way to go Hollister!

The night before the race....high carbs!!!

The competitors.

The theme for London's run.

The memorial table for "London".

London and her mom.

More memorabilia.

London's story - click to enlarge and read!

Coming down the home-stretch.

The boys running to meet mom.

Holly and the boys finishing the race.
Holly and the boys after the race.

Holly and Todd after the race.
The "gang" after the big race.
Getting some much needed water and fruit.
Holly and Marie "the machine" Fago.